Writing Prompts Examples

   College Story Starter Prompts

College Creative Writing Story Starters

1. College Story Starter

Write a story that begins with this line: "The moment he saw Loretta's long blonde hair, Gary no longer believed in marriage."

2. College Story Beginning

Write a story that starts with "Owen came out to everyone but me in the eighth grade; I had to find out later, the hard way."

3. College Opening Line

Write a story that starts with the following line: "Thursday was the night that the old man died on my shift, the same night I finally slept with Sam."

4. College Creative Starter

Write a story that begins with "Every morning I wake up shaking from dreams where I'm drowning with my father's foot on the back of my head."

5. College Writing Starter

Write a story that starts with the line "Morning seeps slowly into the hearts of the prematurely dead."

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